Is internet marketing driving you mad?

Are you constantly thwarted in your attempts to make money on line, then why not share your attempts and thoughts with me so that together we can become stronger and better informed and who knows actually get somewhere in the internet marketing world. Lets not to taken in by those scams anymore lets start to fight back.

Friday, July 21, 2006

So I have my own web site and have been advised a good way of promoting that site is via the many traffic exchanges available on the web. So what does this really mean? Well let me tell you, it is a daily clicking of numbers, symbols, letters or text ads when the timer runs down, as you view other web sites in the exchange in the utimate aim of collecting enough credits so that others may view your site. So does it work? My own honest answer would be a one of mixed feelings. Yes it works if your only aim is to get visitors to your site and all they really do is view your hard work and your site but no if your aim is to get those exchange visitors to actually buy something from you.
Think about it honestly, everybody in a traffic exchange is doing exactly what you are doing, surfing for credits. They are trying to promote their web site or affiliate programme they are attached to, why else would they be there. I am not saying don't use them as I personally do but don't put all your eggs in one basket as they say. If all you do to promote your site is surf the traffic exchanges you will get no where. I recently sought advise on the use of traffic exchanges and have been told the best way to use them is via splash pages, it is now my aim to try this, if you have the same plan as me or indeed are already using splash pages and have achieved some success I would like to know. If you have any other views on traffic exchanges also let me know maybe we can share ideas.
If your completely new to traffic exchanges why not try out these ones


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